Lee Silverman Voice Treatments
LSVT stands for Lee Silverman Voice Treatment. LSVT BIG was designed to address movement deficiencies in those that suffer from Parkinson’s Disease. Physical therapists work with patients to increase limb and body movement (“Get Big”). It is a complex and intensive treatment with evidence that has proven it to be successful. There is also another certification of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment. It is called LSVT LOUD. LSVT LOUD uses some of the same principles as BIG. LOUD is a form of speech therapy used for people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. Published information supports LSVT LOUD in terms of vocal volume, intonation, and voice quality for those with Parkinson’s Disease. It increases vocal volume by activating the muscles in the larynx and performing specific speech exercises. The treatment does not teach patients to yell, but it trains them to use a healthy volume without strain.