When there is pain in your neck, often doctors will prescribe physical therapy. The seven upper vertebrae of the spine are referred to as the cervical region, and this term can be interchanged with neck. Proper care and attention to this region is important, as it can potentially affect many different areas throughout the body. Symptoms such as, pain in the neck/between the shoulder blades, pain that runs down the arm, and/or tingling/numbness in the arm or fingers usually stem from an issue in the neck.
Team Rehabilitation therapists will perform an initial evaluation to determine the source or sources of cervical pain and will develop a plan of treatment based on these results. For example, heat/cold treatments, deep tissue massages, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound treatments are all common treatment options for Neck/Cervical Therapy. These treatments, along with an exercise plan, will help to relieve pain and assist patients in recovery. Our therapists will also closely monitor your posture, the way you walk, stand, and sit to correct any abnormalities. Every day routines and movements can attribute to the pain you may experience in your neck.