Adriana Martin
Adriana Martin
Adriana is our PAC (Patient Administrative Coordinator). She is a fitness and nutrition fanatic who’s working on finishing her certifications to become a NASM CPT and a certified nutritionist. Eventually her goal is to attend school to become either a Physical Therapist Assistant or complete a degree in dietetics and kinesiology to start her own business.
She moved back to Indiana from North Carolina, in August of 2023. In her spare time you can find her at the gym, at home with her feet up and a movie on or a good book in her hands. She also enjoys renovating her grandparents house in her spare time.
Adriana has a passion for helping others achieve their health and fitness goals, so feel free to stop and talk about or ask any questions.
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” -Anthony D’Angelo